Groups and Activities:
Bible Study Group
A bible Study group meet each Tuesday in term time from 2pm to explore and discuss the readings for the following Sunday. Contact Jane Pearce on 01626 774844 for more information.
Drop In
All are welcome at the monthly Drop In every 2nd Wednesday, 2 - 4 pm. A social gathering of friendly folk to enjoy good company with tea and cakes.
Play a game of Scrabble or try a jigsaw. Crafters can enjoy knitting, crochet etc for our chosen charities, or maybe bring along a hobby you enjoy to share
with others. See you there!
Lunch Group
Lunch Group is run in conjunction with the Residents' Association. Meets in the Joan Copp room monthly except July and August. Contact: Gerry Chambers, 01626 888919. Sign up list is available at the back of St George's.
Eat and Enlightenment
Eat and Enlightenment is held once a month for a discussion and a meal at the Castle. Averages 8-10 people and lasts around two hours. Good food, good discussions and good fun! Contact or Mike Kinsey on 01626 863559 for dates or booking.