Dawlish Coast Mission Community

Outreach: F.R.R.M.E. / Samara's Aid


St.George's, Holcombe, hopes to:

  1. To continue the long-standing link with FRRME (Foundation for Reconciliation and Relief in the Middle East) and St George's, Baghdad in terms of continuing prayers for their work. This would run as a continuous prayer focus, separately from (2), the annual project.

  2. Overseas Charity 2019/2020 – FRRME's Nineveh SEED Fund. This project - Sustainable Enterprise Economic Development - provides a range of programmes to revitalise the local economy and create jobs for returning Iraqi refugees on the Nineveh Plain. CC confirmed that this would be one of our annual charities and support for it would run separately to (1) above.

  3. Local charity The DCC unanimously agreed on Children's Hospice South West.

These 2 charities (FRRME and CHSW) would be the focus of any retiring collections, the Copper Mine (collection of donated 1p & 2p coins) etc and for both charities, donations can also be made via service collections using envelopes marked with the name of the chosen charity.

  1. Along with the other churches in the Benefice, St George's will support CR2EE (Christian Response to Eastern Europe), a charity supported for many years by St Paul's, Starcross, not by raising money but through providing knitted items (blankets etc) and helping with the distribution process.


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