Dawlish Coast Mission Community

Giving to St. George's

Giving to St George’s

The Parish Giving Scheme and other standing orders provide useful monthly income.   For anybody who wishes to continue financially supporting St George’s and the work of the Church two digital methods have been set up.

Firstly, there is a web site –   This enables any amount to be given using either a debit or credit card.  Simply click the link below to be taken to the web site and then follow the instructions.  

Secondly, there is a text messaging system --
     From a contract mobile phone text “GEORGE” followed by any amount from £1 to £20 in round £s to 70460 e.g. to give £10 text “GEORGE10”.   The maximum donation per call is £20.   If you use an EE or O2 phone there is a transaction limit of £10.  Donations over £10 are processed as two separate amounts. 
.  As this is a premium rate number you may be charged for the call.  Please check the possible cost with your network provider.

If you want further information about these methods of giving or the Parish Giving Scheme, please send an email to pdummett@hotmail.com or phone me on either 01626 865292 or 07855 182478.
Peter Dummett





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