Dawlish Coast Mission Community

Groups and Activities

Groups and Activities

Men's Breakfast Logo  

Every 1st Monday of every month (excluding bank holidays)
Sorry, only men allowed! If you're a man who enjoys their breakfast, come along! 

Please contact the Church Office for more info, or Ray Williams.

Mothers' Union Logo  


Every 1st Tuesday of every month (except August) at 2pm.
Mothers' Union is an international Christian charity that seeks to support families worldwide. We meet every 1st Tuesday at 2pm. For more information please contact Ann Leigh.



Every Tuesday from 9.30am-11.30am.
Little Greg's Toddler group meet every Tuesday from 9.30am-11.30am. during term time. Contact Maggie Farley at maggiefarley991@gmail.com for more information.

Bell Ringing Logo


Bell Ringing Practice every Wednesday at 7:30pm.
We ring for the 10 am service every Sunday, and also for weddings and other occasions. Practice night is Wednesday; Beginners from 7pm and the main ringing practice from 7.30pm until 9.00pm. All ages can learn to ring, from 10 years old to retired people. It takes several weeks to learn to handle a bell safely, then there is much to go on learning, even over a lifetime! The ringers are a friendly group, and there are opportunities to ring at other churches and to get involved in the wider ringing community. 

Cleaning Group Logo


Our dedicated group of cleaners do a marvellous job, but the church is a big place with lots to clean and do! If you'd like to give them a hand, please join them on Fridays from 9.30am.

Music Group Logo


Music Group Rehearsal every Friday at 6:15pm - 7.30pm.
The Music Group plays modern worship songs at the 'Greg's @ 10' and Informal communion Services. Practice every Friday at 6.15pm. If you sing or play an instrument, come  and join in the fun! Contact Chris Wall 07737 857090

Choir Logo


The choir sings at the  Sung Eucharist service accompanied by the organ. If you are keen to join the choir, please contact the organist & choirmaster, Ian Bartlett 01626 772339.

Pastoral Care Team Logo


The Pastoral Care Team reaches out to people of all ages within the parish who are unable to come to church for whatever reason. We take communion if required or just talk. We pray for anyone who is in need of it. Cards are sent to the sick and/or bereaved, or just to cheer someone up if they are feeling down. If you want further details, please contact the Church Office, or one of the churchwardens.

House Group Logo


We have various house groups which meet regularly for study and grow in strength and support of each other. For more information please contact the church office.

Flower Arrangers Logo


We currently have a rota for flower arrangers, but if you are interested in learning the art of flower arranging, or would like to help then please contact the church office for more information.

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